Choice Boards- Let’s get innovative!

Let’s get innovative!Options when setting up choice boards:

The tic tac toe: Set up a 3 x 3 board and have students complete any 3 squares that would give them tic tac toe, this way you can mix the easier with the more time consuming, so the kids for a strategy to create their own best way to complete the assignments.



The Grand Total: Set up any shaped board with any number of boxes/choices. Then make each box worth a point value based on time it will take and/or difficulty. Then give the students a grand total number of points they need to reach or exceed by completing the tasks in the corresponding boxes. Total = 8


The Plain ole board: I have not made much of an effort to hide my feelings about this one. It is an oldie and has some appeal in its simplicity. Simply, choose one. This usually means you will have fewer items for the students to choose from and those items are very close in time they will take and/or difficulty of task.

What is next?

Next time we will dive into what we will fill these boxes with. Depending on your state’s privacy policies will determine your range of choices. I am in NY and have to be compliant with Ed Law 2D.