Trace my Shadow- Digital Footprint tool

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a slug?  If you think about it a little differently, as a slug you would leave a sticky trail behind covering everywhere you have been.

Trace my shadow shows you the sticky trail you leave all over the Internet.

Just a few clicks and you and your students can see just how many different trails you make on any given day.

You might even say you create a web.

Scratch – on an iPad?


The popular coding site is really really really close to their ability to run without Flash. What does this mean? This means you can use scratch on an iPad and any other device that it could not run on before today.

Scratch 3.0 is available in Beta right now. If you are not sure what Beta means, here is the deal. When a program is in Beta it is still in its testing phase. While I would not use it with students yet, I would use it as a teacher to see the “lay of the land.” This way when they get all the kinks out, you will know how it works, any tips and tricks to do with the 3.0 version.

Again, I would not use the Beta version with students, things go wrong in Beta and there may not be a fix for it.